معايير التعليم الإلكتروني

1.2 Technology


Providing systems or technologies for collecting and analyzing big data to track students’ progress and interaction with their peers and content, as well as teachers’ interaction with students and parents. This is to enable the institution to track students’ progress and interaction and predict their performance to make appropriate decisions about their engagement in an eLearning environment and promote teachers and parents’ roles and input in the decision-making process.


1- A document containing a link to the reports and statistics page with a demo account (username, password).
2- A document outlining the used data analysis technology.


Providing learning management systems and eLearning systems that support computers (such as: Mac OS and Windows systems (with various browsers) such as: Google Chrome, Safari, and other browsers), smartphones and tablets with different operating systems (IOS and Android systems) and different screen sizes.


Commitment to use eLearning systems that support various types of devices with different operating systems and are compatible with all devices' screens, including tablets and smartphones.


The institution is committed to provide eLearning systems applications on smartphones app stores such as (Apple Store) and (Google Play).


1-A link to the approved system application on Apple Store
2- A link to the approved system application on Google Play Store


Providing alert service in the learning management systems to notify the student of the requirements on an ongoing basis to improve the continuity of learning and to follow up on the tasks and assignments in the course.


Providing alert features in the system to notify the student of required tasks.

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Providing a search tool for the digital content in the learning management systems and eLearning systems (such as: cloud repository and digital libraries) to enable students to search for digital content and get accurate results and use the content for learning.


Providing a search tool for the digital content in the system.

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The institution is committed to bring mindfulness to learners with disabilities to ensures that its eLearning systems are aligned with their needs.


A document containing the login data (Username, Password) for demo accounts on the LMS.

1.3 Qualification and Support


Providing online courses and learning manuals to prepare students and their parents to deal with the technologies used in eLearning and develop eLearning skills so they can benefit from and have the experience necessary in dealing with eLearning mode effectively.


Providing online training and manuals on the programs used in eLearning environments for students and their parents.

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Providing online and regular courses and orientation programs to qualify and support the teacher, the school leader and the educational supervisor in dealing with the eLearning technologies, and the institution should offer online and regular courses to develop instructional design skills to design and develop effective digital learning environments. The teacher and supervisor should be supported and qualified in online teaching skills and know how to solve the arising problems. They should also obtain the professional certificate from the National eLearning Center.


1- Providing a training plan for the teacher, school leader and supervisor on (the use of technology, digital content development, teaching skills).
2- Commitment to ensure that the teachers and school leader, supervisor obtain professional certificate from the National eLearning Center, based on the certificates schedule as shown at the following link:


Provide online manuals, support and training for students and teachers.


Providing online training and manuals in various forms (synchronous and asynchronous) for teachers, students and parents


Providing clear instructions on the technical support team that help teachers and students using eLearning systems, which provides support when technical problems arise and hinder the continuation of the learning process along with instructions on the various options for accessing the technical support team (phone numbers, instant messages services, automated answering services, emails, and other means of communication), and this shall be explained on the institution's official website.


Availability of technical support channels on the website's homepage.

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Providing technical assistance related to the technologies and applications used in the eLearning, and how to use them in the learning process, also providing learning assistance related to the learning content.


Commitment to provide technical and learning assistance to teachers and students throughout the program.


Providing technical, administrative, technologist teams that work continuously at the institution while providing contact information for each team and how to reach them on the institution's official website.


1- Providing a document that includes the roles, responsibilities and number of technicians, administrators, and technologists who implement eLearning in the school and provide a page on the website shows the contact information for each team.
2- Commitment to ensure that technicians, and administrative personnel obtain professional certificates from the National eLearning Center, based on the certificate schedule as shown at the following link:


Providing a supervisory team that works continuously at the institution to supervise the learning environment and ensure that all policies required for the eLearning are implemented.


1- Providing a manual on the roles of the learning environment’s supervisory staff.
2- Commitment to ensure that the supervisory staff obtain professional certificates from the National eLearning Center, based on the certificate schedule as shown at the following link:

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توفير فريق إشرافي مؤهل بشهادات احترافية يعمل باستمرار في الجهة للإشراف على البيئة التعليمية، والتأكد من تنفيذ كل السياسات المطلوبة لنمط التعليم الإلكتروني.


1- A link to the training plan
2- A link to the policy of supporting people with disabilities

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2.1 Design


Considering writing the learning objectives for the program and each course and adhere to the realism of the objective and define it with a time frame so that the teacher can implement it and students can learn within the limits of the learning objectives.


Providing realistic, measurable, and time-bound objectives for the program and each course.

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Adopting a fixed standard instructional design model that is used in the design of all units and lessons within the course. The learning institution should also adopt a design structure for all pages of a single course to unify the elements of lessons and units to prevent distraction of the student's attention and avoid mental stress that may result from the diversity of structures and designs for one unit.


تعهد باتباع تصاميم وهيكلة معيارية ثابتة لكافة الوحدات والصفحات.


Adopting UDL standards to offer eLearning opportunities that meets the needs of all learners. The main objective of implementing UDL standards is to provide the learners with the opportunities to satisfy their learning needs through finding a suitable educational environment to transform learners into learning experts. The purpose of these standards is to enable learners to evaluate their learning needs, as well as to develop their abilities on self-assessment of progress instead of the teacher. They also improve learners’ ability on self-organization and tracking their interests and learning efforts. https://udlguidelines.cast.org


A document containing the login data (Username, Password) for demo accounts on the LMS.


Providing digital content divided into small reusable chunks that do not exceed a maximum of 18 minutes, to present a learning objective or more. This content consists of instructional components, including video, infographics, interactive content, and others.


Commitment to adopt an approach to divide the content into small, reusable chunks that do not exceed maximum of 18 minutes for each one.


Adhering to WCAG 2.0. This standard covers 4 guidelines, under each of which there is a set of regulations and instructions that help to provide a content available for all stakeholders. The institution should visit the official website of WCAG 2.0: https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag The institution should also apply the recently published current version (WCAG 2.1), and check for the updates of (WCAG 2.2).


A document containing the login data (Username, Password) for demo accounts on LMS.


Providing a system to enable institution officials to obtain learner performance and interaction with the e-content data within the learning environment (time tracking of learner’s activities, etc.).


A report of the learners’ activities and tracking of these activities.