معايير التعليم الإلكتروني

2.4 Assessment and Evaluation


Providing a clear strategy for reviewing and evaluating online courses and ensuring the quality of the digital content presented in each course.


Courses review and evaluation report.


Providing a specific mechanism with a timetable for conducting evaluations and reviews of the training program by specialized program evaluation bodies.


External evaluations report.


Providing stakeholders (learners - faculty) with a policy to deliver the results of their evaluation.


Providing a policy to inform stakeholders with the evaluation results.

دليل الاسترشاد


The institution provides a tool that is technically linked to its platform to measure the beneficiaries' satisfaction with the eLearning programs (such as: Training and support, technology, user experience in the eLearning program, program design, faculty in the eLearning environment, interaction and feedback, assessment and evaluation and overall satisfaction).


A link to a tool that measure the beneficiaries' satisfaction (learners, faculty) with the eLearning program.

دليل الاسترشاد


Availability of the necessary data (such as: the learners grades, the level of learners' motivation, etc.) to enable NELC and MoE to study the impact of the eLearning and its reflection on the learning outcomes.


Providing the necessary data to measure the impact on learning outcomes.


Providing a mechanism for measuring the efficiency of spending resulting from the provision of the courses in eLearning mode . The budget for eLearning and regular training can also be compared to measure spending efficiency.


A gudieline for the policy of measuring the efficiency of spending.

1.1 Leadership


A comprehensive and cohesive eLearning strategy is in place, which includes the institution’s vision, mission, and strategic and operational objectives of eLearning that are consistent with the Ministry plan.


A published link for the eLearning strategy that is approved by a competent authority and consistent with the Ministry plan.


Providing a plan to ensure achieving academic integrity in eLearning environment that includes policies to prevent fraud and identity theft.


1-Publishing clear policies and laws for academic integrity on the institution's official website.
2-Providing a mechanism for checking students' work and preventing fraud and identity theft.

دليل الاسترشاد


Ensuring that the digital content presented in the program is up-to-date and that it does not violate the curricula of the Ministry of Education, national laws, or policies by providing a plan and assigning specialists for executing the process (at least annually).


Commitment to provide up-to-date digital content in the program and ensure that it does not violate the curricula of the Ministry of Education, national laws, or policies.


Adhering to the principles of intellectual property rights and copyrights of publishing the digital content in the institution’s platform. The institution should also clarify the intellectual property policies for all the employees and ensure that the intellectual property policies are followed during the learning process. In addition, all the online curricula and courses must be reviewed to ensure that they are free from intellectual property violations.


Adhere to and publish the principles of intellectual property rights and copyrights.

دليل الاسترشاد


Providing a policy that ensures synchronous online attendance through virtual classes is equivalent to regular attendance, considering the minimum percent of these class should be offered by 25% of the total curriculum hours. In blending learning, the same percentage is calculated for regular or online learning. Also, the policy should include the minimum limit for absence, and the how to deal with students’ absence and consequences. The number of students allowed in synchronous classes in K-12 education is as follows: Elementary school: 25 students Intermediate school: 30 students High school: 30 students The increase of students’ number is allowed by 25% over the aforementioned number for each level, based on: 1- Subject type. 2- Activities and interaction. 3- The teacher's experience in providing eLearning.


1- Providing a policy indicating that online attendance is equivalent to regular attendance, and that the minimum (no less than 25%). The policy must also specify the allowed hours of absence, and consequences.
2- The number of students shall not exceed the allowed number in synchronous virtual classes.

دليل الاسترشاد


The institution provides tools to measure the level of stakeholders’ satisfaction (such as: a questionnaire on the official website to collect the stakeholders’ feedback) and the level of their acceptance of eLearning mode.


1- Provides a mechanism to measure the level of stakeholders’ satisfaction (teachers, students, and parents) with the eLearning programs.
2- Provides a mechanism for complaints and suggestions within institutions and competent entities, stating the means of communication (contact numbers, emails, or direct messages) on the insttution’s website.

دليل الاسترشاد


The institution adheres to the circulars issued by the Ministry of Education, which clarify the regulatory policies and procedural instructions that will contribute to the success of the learning process.


Adhering to the procedural policies issued by the Ministry of Education.


Managing eLearning resources in accordance with the budget regulations and accounting principles approved by the Ministry of Finance.


External auditor report.


A clear plan is in place to ensure the availability of sustainable financial resources to support eLearning and raise its efficiency to achieve high quality.


Providing the resources adequacy plan report and clarify their sustainability support over time, in accordance with the institution's strategic plan, vision and mission.

1.2 Technology


Providing the necessary and resilient technology infrastructure that supports the process of eLearning and teaching.


1- Providing the system technical infrastructure specifications document.
2- Commitment to provide a resilient technical infrastructure that support systems, the number of beneficiaries and all types of content without interruption.


Achieving the privacy and protection of stakeholders’ data, ensuring that it is stored, and that it is only viewed by specialists and those with authority, and not to publish and share it with any party or persons who are not entitled to access this data. Writing a privacy guarantee document and publishing it on the institution's official website is also required to ensure that all users know how the data is collected and stored and who has the authority to access this data.


Providing clear policies and procedures for privacy and use published on the institution’s official website.

دليل الاسترشاد


Providing a single sign-on (SSO) system for all stakeholders to access the eLearning systems (using a username and password) to ensure security and protection of the eLearning system and stakeholders’ data.


1- A document containing login data (username, password) and links for the eLearning systems.
2- A report outlining system security and the technologies used to protect the eLearning systems.


Using identity verifying systems to verify the identity of the stakeholder when accessing the learning management systems and eLearning systems. The identity of the stakeholder can be verified by allowing access to the systems only by using the national ID number or through two steps authentication.


Providing systems that verify the identity of the stakeholder.

دليل الاسترشاد


Providing a learning management system, and systems that enable the teacher and student to access the lessons. The standard also includes the provision of systems for electronic tests in case they are conducted online, or a mechanism in case they are conducted in a regular mode.


1- Providing learning management system (LMS)
2-Providing a system for virtual classrooms.
Commitment to provide:
1- A system of electronic tests in the case if they are conducted online
2- Or a mechanism for regular tests
3- Or both in case that some course tests are conducted online or in regular mode.