NeLC and ICESCO Agree to Establish a Partnership to Promote eLearning Among its Member States



The National eLearning Center participated in a virtual meeting; In cooperation with The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Saudi National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, to develop an effective framework for partnership and collaboration in the fields of eLearning, and to explore the opportunities for promoting the educational system on regional and international levels.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Abdullah Alwalidi, the Director General of the National eLearning Center, Dr. Salem bin Muhammad Al-Malik, the Director-General of ICESCO, and the Secretary-General of the Saudi National Committee, Mr. Hattan Munir bin Samman.

During the meeting, Dr. Alwalidi highlighted the significance of eLearning approaches and their role in providing high-quality education that is equitably available to all types of learners with various learning needs. He stressed the Center's readiness to provide support and share expertise and experiences with ICESCO and its member states, to advance the eLearning sector.

Dr. Al-Malik then explained that ICESCO’s vision has taken the approach of modernization and renewal as a basis for presenting many programs in its fields, anticipating great cooperation between the ICESCO and NeLC, promoting knowledge transfer among great expertise and successful experiences that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has achieved so far in the field of eLearning to several countries in the Islamic world.

He also appraised the Kingdom's success in the digital transformation towards eLearning during the pandemic emphasizing the role of the National eLearning Center as a valuable asset and model to follow in promoting the educational systems by enhancing trust, enabling integration and leading innovation in eLearning.

Bin Samman affirmed the Saudi National Committee’s keenness to support ICESCO and to encourage fruitful and effective partnerships with Saudi institutions and organizations to achieve shared goals. 

The meeting addressed the roles and objectives of the Center, which revolve around enhancing the efficiency and quality of eLearning, standards and licensing, research and studies, and providing eLearning consultations.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that a joint workgroup would be formed to develop a clear framework of the partnership between the ICESCO and NELC including organizing periodic meetings with both parties to developing effective operational plans.