The Ceremony of 'EdTech Challenge' at NeLC in Partnership with CODE



The EdTech Challenge ceremony, organized by NeLC in partnership with the Center of Digital Entrepreneurship “CODE” of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), concluded today. The challenge, held from March 6th to August 5th, 2024, aimed to provide solutions in the EdTech field through 3 tracks: Learning Management Systems, Complementary Technologies, and Future Educational Technologies.

The ceremony witnessed the crowning of the winning projects with prominent officials from the digital learning and communications and information technology sectors. The "Rally Bot" project won first place, the "Minhah" project secured second place, and the "LabAR" project took third place. The ceremony also reviewed the pilot entrepreneurial projects participating in the challenge among 150 entrepreneurial projects. It honored the innovation sponsor, Naseej Company, along with contributing success partners. This reflects the importance of these innovative projects in enhancing emerging and modern educational technologies by empowering creatives and innovators in the field and providing innovative solutions to contribute to the development of the digital learning.

The EdTech Challenge camp included more than 50 training workshops and counseling sessions with experts in digital learning, information technology, innovation, and business development. The aim was to empower +350 beneficiaries to transform their innovative ideas into testable and developable models and facilitate their access to relevant institutions in the field. The camp also aimed to foster collaboration with specialists in the sector to provide high-quality training in related areas of expertise.

It is worth mentioning that the EdTech Challenge is part of national efforts to support innovators and provide them with a conducive environment through initiatives and programs that accelerate the pace of digital transformation and enhance the role of technology in digital learning. The aim is to contribute to strengthening the Kingdom's position as a global leader in digital learning.