Governing Rules and Policies for accrediting technical and digital solutions providers in eLearning and training

Article One: (Purpose of the Rules and Scope of Application)

These rules aim to explain the provisions and procedures for the accreditation of technical and digital solutions providers in eLearning and training.

These rules apply to companies and institutions that provide technical and digital solutions in eLearning and training, such as: platform providers, testing, content development, and others.


Article Two: (Competence of the Center)

The Center is responsible for the quality control of eLearning by accrediting providers of technical and digital solutions in eLearning and training and evaluating them periodically in accordance with the provisions of these rules. 


Article Three: (Procedures for obtaining a certificate of accreditation)

To obtain accreditation, the following procedures are required:

  • Register and attach all required documents.

  • Pay the fee, if any.

  • Fulfill all accreditation requirements posted on the Center's website.

  • The application shall be returned to the entity for amendment if the accreditation requirements and conditions are not met.

  • Issuing a certificate from the Center proving that the provider meets the accreditation requirements.


Article Four: (Renewal of Accreditation)

  • The accredited service provider must apply for renewal no less than (60) days before the end of the accreditation.

  • The provider has the right to cancel the accreditation, with the provider bearing any damage of the cancellation caused to the beneficiaries.


Article Five: (Revocation of Accreditation)

  • If the accredited provider violates these regulations or one of the accreditation conditions and requirements, the Center has the right to warn the provider and remove it from the Center’s website as an accredited provider until responding to the Center’s noticing. 

  • If the provider does not respond to the noticing received from the Center within (30) days from the date of the warning, the Center has the right to cancel the accreditation.


Article Six: (General Provisions)

  • The provider is committed to protecting the rights of beneficiaries and maintaining the confidentiality of their information.

  • The provider complies with the relevant rules and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all updates that occur to them.

  • The provider is committed to sharing data with the Center in accordance with the controls and policies issued by the National eLearning Center.

  • The provider is obliged to use the accreditation by itself, and only for the purpose for which it was issued.

  • The provider complies with the accreditation requirements and conditions for platforms and smart devices throughout the accreditation period, and responds to any amendment, addition or deletion that occurs to them.

  • The period of accreditation shall be one year starting from the date of accreditation.

  • The financial fee, if any, is non-refundable.

  • An accreditation issued by the Center is not considered an intellectual property document.

  • The incomplete application will be permanently cancelled if the application is not completed within (90) days.

  • The service provider must obtain the Center's approval before using the Center's logo while complying with the rules for using the logo.

  • The service provider is obliged to explain to its partners that the contractual relationship is limited to the service provider and the beneficiary and that the Center has no role in it. 

  • The provider is committed to qualifying beneficiaries in accordance with the eLearning and training standards approved by the Center.


Article Seven:

These rules shall be published on the Center’s website and shall be effective from the date of their publication.