The Center Announces the Mandatory Plan for Licensing Institutions and Programs



The National eLearning Center announces the end of the period granted to the institutions providing eLearning programs to issue licenses on 9/9/2021.

This mandatory plan goes through three phases that last for 6 months, starting on 9/10/2021 and ending on 10/3/2022, after which unlicensed institutions will not be allowed to provide eLearning programs. According to Article (10) of the licensing regulations for providing eLearning and training programs approved by the Center’s Board of Directors Decision No. (1/5/41) dated 12/12/1441 AH.

All institutions are allowed to provide and practice eLearning activities if they adhere to the approved plan, the phases of which are as follows:

  • Registration and submission of application on the licensing platform during the first phase, which extends for 30 days, after which the institution that does not apply for obtaining an institution license will not be allowed to resume their activities.
  • Obtaining an institution’s license before the end of the second phase and apply for a license for each eLearning program. This phase lasts for 60 days, after which institutions that do not obtain an institution license and do not apply for programs licenses will not be allowed to resume their activities.
  •  After 10/3/2022, the permission to provide eLearning will be limited to licensed institutions and programs only. 

The Center will take the necessary actions against the violating institutions as per its mandate and urges eLearning programs providers to apply for licenses through

Apply and Register (here)
